Letter No. 14 [enchanting]

Dear friend,

Sometimes when I write these letters to you, I feel like Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail, except I don’t get any letters in return. Ha! But that’s okay.

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and I know it has become so commercialized, but I’m glad we have this day. Since graduating from college, I’ve been living at home, and it has been so sweet spending time with mom.

In the mornings when I make my fried eggs and toast for breakfast, she’s the only one downstairs, and we cook and eat our breakfasts together. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we don’t. I cherish these mornings.

In the evenings, she faithfully creates meals for us—and meals that are often dairy-free for myself and her—her skilled work accompanied by singing. I cherish these evenings.

One of my favorite things about her though is her sneeze. Now, if you don’t know my mom, she’s a 5’2, petite woman, but when she sneezes, and only once, it’s the loudest thing you’ll hear. It makes me smile every time I hear it, because strangely, it reminds me of who she is—this passionate, creative, 200% invested person.

I’ve never found a better listener, better mentor, or better friend.

So I just wanted to give you a snippet of who she is, because she’s one special woman. In You’ve Got Mail, her mother is described with, “She was enchanting.” That’s my mom. Enchanting.


Mother's Day

Letter No. 15 [finding your work rhythm]


Letter No. 13 [slow growth]