Bach is one of my favorite composers, so here is one of his partitas!
2024-2025 Studio Policy:
Lesson Lengths and Tuition:
-Private lessons: 30 minutes, 45 minutes ($30/wk, $45/wk). There is an additional gas cost if you would like lessons taught at your home.
-Tuition may be paid monthly or bimonthly and is due by the first lesson of the selected time period
-a late fee of $10 will be added to every additional week tuition is overdue
Calendar (2024-2025):
-Fall Semester: August 12-December 14, no lessons Thanksgiving week (Nov 25-29)
-Spring Semester: January 06-May 24, no lessons Spring Break week (April 14-18)
Performances and Festivals:
-Christmas Recital: December 14 (Saturday)
-Spring Recital: May 24 (Saturday)
Missed Lessons:
-missed lessons must be paid for unless notification is given 24 hours in advance or unless the lesson is missed due to a medical/family emergency
Practice Requirements and Guidelines:
-students must either have a weighted, digital, full-length keyboard, or an acoustic upright or grand piano to practice on at home
-five days of practice are required every week, and parents are responsible for ensuring their child/children meet(s) this requirement
-parents must be involved in the musical development of their children and be active in helping them pursue the goals discussed in lessons
-a student’s nails must be kept short to help the student maintain good hand position and firm fingertips
Book Policy:
-I will decide which method books to use after assessing each student's needs
-lesson materials will be purchased by myself and the cost be reimbursed to me by the parent no later than one week after the arrival of the materials
-the student will not be able to use the books if the payment is not made within this deadline
Termination of Lessons:
-if the student cannot abide by the above-mentioned requirements and deadlines or repeatedly disregards policies, I maintain the right to terminate lessons with the student
-Conscious termination of lessons by the student must be addressed and finalized two weeks prior to ending lessons