Letter No. 3 [on bravery]

Dear Friend,

I have these thoughts about the bravery required of artists.

It’s funny how we, as consumers, expect artists and influencers on Instagram and other social media platforms to be so real all of the time. We demand that transparency, and then scorn or support it as we see fit.

As an artist just starting out, I find crossing to that side terrifying. I didn’t realize this until I started blogging. When I switched over to Squarespace, I knew I wanted to make my new blog more personal and real. And it’s scary. People get hurt in reality. Words are powerful and dangerous.

If I think of anyone who might possibly read a blog post ever, in the writing’s lifespan, I become paralyzed. I put up protection for my heart, my shield is ready once more to deflect any hurt.

But I want to share. I want people to know the struggle and pain, and the beautiful, of living as an artist. I want people to understand what it’s like to be so filled with happiness because of creating, and be a part of my creating process. I want them to be there with me when I get my first book deal, and when I open my shop, and when I release my tenth album. Hurt is something I’m willing to feel because I view the sharing of this experience more important—vital, even.



Letter No. 4 [times of rest]


Letter No. 2 [winter in the Berkshires]