Letter No. 5 [hitting the jackpot]

I recently discovered a wonderful thing: The Goal Digger Podcast.

Its host is Jenna Kutcher, photographer and mother and mac-and-cheese lover who lives in Wisconsin, and she’s recorded 334 episodes so far. I’ve only listened to 3 of those, but let me tell you, they’re gold. I feel like I should be paying her for the information she’s sharing, and it’s only been THREE episodes. I started tearing up during one of them because her information was so spot-on (I don’t know what that says about my mental and emotional state??).

What does she talk about? Starting her business and not knowing what to do, marketing on social media, web design, reaching the right audience, and so many other entrepreneurship and life things. The overall message though (to me) is hope. She makes me believe I can do this, that she started where I am and that she’s willing to walk with me until I can stand on my own two feet. And she doesn’t even know me. A woman who doesn’t know me makes me cry.

I’ve received similar information from other sources, but Jenna is different. I think it’s her heart and her why for sharing. And her information reaches people with just the right balance of practical but real. I’ve ended each episode with tangible things to apply and change. Little steps, nothing overwhelming.

If you haven’t been convinced yet of how wonderful her podcasts are, I don’t know what will convince you. Check them out, and then tell me what you think. I know you’ll love them too.



Letter No. 6 [quarantine]


Letter No. 4 [times of rest]