Letter No. 9 [quarantine collection part I]

Dear Friend,

I am starting a new collection of abstract pieces. I wanted to document life during the Corona-virus Pandemic and capture moments from such a unique, worldwide event in history.

I’ll be adding pieces to this collection throughout the remaining time we have in quarantine, and if anyone would like to purchase an original, they can send me an email.

// Memories //I wanted to make this piece warm, bright, and busy because that’s what most of the gatherings of my friends and family are like. I’m from a family of nine, so when we all get together, it gets pretty loud and crazy. We talk and laugh a…

// Memories //

I wanted to make this piece warm, bright, and busy because that’s what most of the gatherings of my friends and family are like. I’m from a family of nine, so when we all get together, it gets pretty loud and crazy. We talk and laugh and eat together, and these are some of the gatherings I miss the most.

// Isolation //We’re in our second month of isolation, and I don’t know how much longer we’ll live like this: almost everything closed, everyone wearing masks when they go out, people skirting around one-another and keeping their distance when they …

// Isolation //

We’re in our second month of isolation, and I don’t know how much longer we’ll live like this: almost everything closed, everyone wearing masks when they go out, people skirting around one-another and keeping their distance when they pass, the parking lots of department stores empty. It’s a reality I never imagined I would live, and it’s hard to fathom this is happening globally, even now. Humans are social creatures. We like to interact and shake hands and hug and speak with one another. It’s strange for me to think about our conscientious and collective choice to decline such interaction because we care about one another. It’s terribly isolating and uniting, all at once.

I can’t wait to share the rest with you. Be well,


P.S. (6.25.20) The rest are finished and the stories and inspiration to each piece can be found here.


Letter No. 10 [the present]


Letter No. 8 [picture book process]