Letter No. 47 [anne frank cover art]

Dear Friend,

“Anne Frank” came out this past Saturday! I ended up working until 3:00 p.m. and didn’t get to listen to it until my drive home, but let me tell you—hearing my music on streaming platforms for the first time will never get old.

I illustrated the cover art again one evening, so here are some behind-the-scenes photos.

I found a photo of the replica of her room and used it for reference for this piece. It’s very tiny and has so many things crammed into it. I love making miniature illustrations—so adding all of the details was fun. First, I sketched out a couple versions—one in pencil and one in ink. Then I measured out a square with my trusty ruler and got to work.

Fun fact: the first thing I drew was the chair in the bottom left corner. It’s tricky sometimes figuring out where to start, but once I get started, it usually flows pretty easily.

I’m always afraid of ruining a drawing by adding paint, so I was scared to add it this time, but I really like how it turned out, and it was fun to add the shadows and patterns and see the room come alive in a different way.

I also thought about making the cover art black and white. I do really like how it looks, but ended up choosing color. Which one do you like better?

To finish up, I scanned it in, worked on it in Photoshop, and finally ended up with this for the cover:

And on to the next project!


P.S. To give you a fair warning, I’m a little psyched out about it! In April, I’m releasing my FIRST EP ALBUM! Eek! I’ll be releasing each song (there are four) for each week of April, and then the whole album at the end of the month. Yay!


Letter No. 48 [four marketing resources]


Letter No. 46 [homemade valentine’s cards]