Letter No. 48 [four marketing resources]

Dear Friend,

As musicians, artists, designers, creatives—whatever love you’ve chosen and are trying to make a living from—we’re constantly told that we need to market ourselves, and it is true. Where to start though, and how do we market effectively and efficiently? Here are four resources I’ve found extremely useful in this learning process, in no particular order. In parentheses beside their names are the mediums/platforms where I find their information the most helpful.


Instagram: IG

TikTok: TT

YouTube: YT


Rachel Pedersen (IG, TT)

Rachel Pedersen is a marketing consultant and social media manager, but she does so much more, including sharing a ton of free content about how to manage your own social media platforms or become a full time social media manager. Her content and advice are real, encouraging, and work. If you’re looking to grow your own fanbase or start in social media marketing, I find her content on Instagram and TikTok particularly helpful.

One thing I really love about her: you can see her putting to practice the tips she gives in her posts and content, and she’s a great resource to study if you want to get better at content-repurposing.

Website: Rachelpedersen.com


Adam Ivy (YT, IG)

I’ve shared Adam Ivy before and I’m sharing him again because his content has helped me for the longest and is still consistently excellent. Adam Ivy is a marketing mentor and music producer, and shares strategies and tips focused at musicians (but they’re helpful for any person trying to market themselves/a business). He lays out great marketing plans that are easy to understand and begin implementing. The advice from him I’ve put to use is always successful.

He shares the bulk of his tips on YouTube, but I keep up-to-date on them through Instagram.

One thing I really love about him: he doesn’t waste your time—he gets straight to the point, talks quickly and clearly, and packs a lot of content into his videos.

Website: Adamivy.com


Burstimo (YT, website articles)

Burstimo is a music marketing agency based in the UK. They share great marketing strategies and stay on top of industry changes as Adam Ivy does. I’ve mainly gotten content through their YouTube channel and website blog articles. They get me thinking more creatively about how I market myself.

One thing I really love about them: they share the latest news and then give strategies on how to evolve with that new change.

Website: Burstimo.com


Storybrand Marketing (book, podcast, IG)

I meant to buy the storybrand marketing book for a long time and only recently purchased it, but it is excellent. Written by Donald Miller, he outlines how to create a streamline story brand in seven messages. His website logo is “clarify your message so more customers engage.” I’m still working through the book right now, but every musician, artist, business, etc. that I respect and trust recommends this book. Donald Miller also has a podcast sharing discussions with other successful business men and women, and the storybrand Instagram page shares daily tips as well.

One thing I really love about him/them: Miller gives me hope that no other resource has given me. Probably because his message is simple and understandable in an age of information overload. I honestly think his ideas are going to completely change my business once I finish the book and start implementing his tips, so I’ll keep you posted! :)

Website: storybrand.com

What are some of the resources you’ve found invaluable in your growth? Share them below, I’d love to hear them, and happy marketing!



Letter No. 49 [2020 inspired art]


Letter No. 47 [anne frank cover art]