Letter No. 49 [2020 inspired art]

Dear Friend,

Covid-19 and mask mandates have finally been lifted here in Massachusetts, as they are in many states right now, and it almost feels as if nothing of the past year has happened. I was looking through my photos today, and found it strange to see pictures of my family with masks on while out and about. It’s something that became so familiar to us and now has suddenly disappeared at many places.

When quarantine first started, I made several pieces inspired by the events around us, and I just found another abstract piece I made more recently called “Grocery Line,” with shoppers spaced six feet apart. Here are a few photos of the piece.


I imagine that life now will feel much like before/after 9-11…there will be things changed in our societies that never return to the ways they were before, in good and bad ways.

I’m thankful to be on the other side of this, and thankful for the Lord’s provision through it all.



Letter No. 50 [beach home]


Letter No. 48 [four marketing resources]